Friday 19 August 2016

Get Baby’s First Picture Through 3D and 4D Ultrasound

Being a first time mother, you may be anxious to see your little one growing in your belly for nine months long. You wait for each day and night to pass so that you can catch a glimpse of those small little fingers and toes. However, if you do not want to wait for nine months to meet the junior, 3D/4D ultrasound scan will help you see your unborn baby during your pregnancy.
Pregnant Woman And Partner Having 4D Ultrasound Scan
Pregnant Woman And Partner Having 4D Ultrasound Scan
What is the hype all about?

Finding it difficult to choose between 2D, 3D and 4D ultrasound scan? We will help to make the decision easier. In 2D ultrasound, a transducer is placed on the belly that sends sound waves through the body. The sound waves bounce off the fluids and internal organs, creating a two dimensional image of the fetus.
The latest 3D ultrasound test captures multiple two dimensional images of the fetus taken from different angles and combine the pieces together to form 3 Dimensional rendering. Therefore, instead of just seeing the profile view of the face you can easily see the whole surface.


The 4D ultrasound scan is similar but instead of static images, the images show movement. In other words, it can be said that you can see the baby’s movement in real time.

Why are ultrasound Performed?

Medical practitioners and pornographers use the ultrasound scan at regular intervals to examine the fetus, assess the amniotic fluids and to look for any kind of birth defect in the unborn baby. More detailed scans are normally used to examine any kind of fetal anomalies or to monitor a specific defect. While these scans do not make up for a part of regular prenatal exams, many practitioners do offer 3D picture of the fetus to the parents to be so that they can keep it as a souvenir.

With the birth of baby, everything changes for good. You get ample opportunities to click amazing pictures and create memories. Therefore, regular ultrasounds will help you check whether your baby is growing healthy or not.

Friday 22 July 2016

Why are 3D/4D scans more important than the regular 2D scans?

Pregnancy is not an easy task to deal with as it comes with its shares of joy and difficulties. While passing through the trimesters, you get anxious and excited because it is practically suffocating to wait for nine months to get a glimpse of the tiny little toes and fingers. Many new moms-to-be have an unending desire in their hearts to see their child at least once before giving birth.


However, with the standard 2D ultrasound scan, it is not possible as it is just a blurred (very fuzzy) view of the baby. To compensate this desire, the new 3D/4D ultrasound scans were invented, which allows a person to get a detailed vision of the unborn baby. While the primary purpose of the ultrasound scans is to make sure that your baby is safe inside the womb, you may also book an appointment to get 3D/4D pictures of the unborn baby.

So, what does make Doppler, 2D, 3D or 4D ultrasound scans different? 

The first pregnancy scan recommended by a doctor is more often than not the two-dimensional ultrasound scan. This scan is carried out by placing a transducer on the stomach. The wand sends sound waves into the body that bounces off the internal fluids and organs. The connected computer converts these echoes (of the baby’s) forming a 2D ultrasound scans image on the monitor. This picture is more likely a cross section of the fetus inside the womb.

The Doppler ultrasound is done with a handheld device that amplifies the heartbeat of the fetus after applying jelly on the belly.


With the early pregnancy 3D scan, several 2D images are configured in different angles that are used to make a 3D rendition of the baby. This means, instead of getting a view of the single side; you get to see the entire surface of your unborn face.

Then what is 4D ultrasound scan? It’s very much similar to 3D but additionally shows the image movement (more like a motion picture or a GIF) where you can witness your baby doing small little things like closing eyes, folding hands or sucking thumb.

Medical Officers use Doppler and 2D Ultrasound scans more often and at regular intervals throughout the pregnancy to examine any birth defects, observe the fetus and measure the amniotic fluid. The 3D scans can also reveal any fetal anomalies that can be cured even before the birth with right kind of treatment. As these scans are not included in the usual prenatal exams, you might want to get a 3D ultrasound scan separately.
In case if you’re living in and around Yorkshire, consult an experienced private dating scan in Yorkshire and take your baby home even before delivery in a 3D image form and anticipate the most for the baby’s birth.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

A Window to Your Newborn – Private Baby Scans

Feeling the baby for the first time is just amazing and experiencing the kicks is an important milestone for a new mother. When it’s your first pregnancy, you can be extremely happy about little things. Ultrasound scans are a window to your newborn as the scans help you see your unborn child for the first time. While many women can be unsure of their baby movements, different kind of sensations and more, experts often help them to understand them. Let’s outline different sensations that you can experience throughout your pregnancy.

3d 4d pregnancy scan

How do the movements feel like?

Pregnancy’s first movement also known as quickening is described by fluttering sensation. If this is your first pregnancy, you may be unable to experience the changes,but as the months passed, the movements and sensations become more distinctive.

When can the first movement be felt?

The time frame for experiencing the movements of the baby can vary widely from one woman to another, particularly if it is the first pregnancy. The average time to detect the first movement is between 19 to 20 weeks. However, it may even take longer or you may even experience them as early as 16 weeks. If you have not-experienced the movements by 24 weeks, you need to check with the doctor to know whether everything is fine or not. This is when private baby scans in Leeds can help you detect any problem.

How often does the baby move?

As stated above, there is no set amount of movements that you will be experiencing, although you may experience the movements during 9 PM to 1 AM as during this time, the child is most active. You may keep a chart of how many movements you feel on a day to familiarize yourself with the baby’s movement pattern. This is different for everybody,therefore you need to keep a tab on the movements to identify wriggles and kicks. A trained doctor or a midwife can help you know more about the movements.

3d 4d pregnancy scan

How does ultrasound help?

If you are getting an ultrasound while the baby is awake, you will be able to see the movements. You can choose to go in for 3D or 4D scan between 16 to 20 weeks as your baby is developed by that time. During this time, there is plenty of room for the child to move around.

If during the time of the ultrasound, the baby has assumed an awkward position, the sonographer will help you with the situation and ask you to take a walk. This will encourage movements and the baby can return back to his original position. When selecting private baby scans, Leeds experts will make sure that you can easily preview the images and get a better idea about your baby.

Want to know more about your bundle of job or want to know which colors will adorn the walls of your baby room, get a private baby scans in Leeds. The 3D pregnancy scans will help you know a little more about your unborn child.

Friday 8 July 2016

Enjoy Watching Your Baby During Pregnancy

Are you eagerly waiting for your baby to come into this world? Do you want to hold him close and love him forever? If it is becoming difficult for you to wait for your baby to come into this world, opt for 3D baby scan. 3D ultrasound scan gives you the chance to catch a glimpse of your baby when he is still 
in your womb and makes sure that he is safe and healthy.


With the new 3D/4D ultrasound exam, you can see the baby from various angles. For instance; instead of watching the baby in two dimensions i.e. just the profile view of the child, you can now view the whole surface. 4D ultrasound scan is a little more advance as it gives you the chance to see the movements of the unborn child in real time. You can see the fetus sucking his thumb, making faces and more!

Why are they performed?

3D baby scan centre performs these tests to examine the baby closely and suspect any fetal anomalies. 3D scan helps the doctor to look at the baby more clearly and check whether the baby is healthy or is suffering from any birth defect. Moreover, the 3D scan helps the parents-to-be know the sex of the baby so that they can easily plan for their unborn child well before he is born.


The safety of Mother & Child

It may feel excited to hear your baby’s beating heart or see him in action while still in the womb, however, make sure that you choose a 3D baby scan centre that has a good reputation. Having experienced pornographers by your side will help you feel secure and confident about the test that you will be undergoing.
It is always advised to take up an ultrasound exam performed by the experts. So go for an ultrasound scan and catch a glimpse of your still developing unborn child.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

12 Incredible Things Babies Do While Still in the Womb

Being adorable is not the only thing that newborn children are known for. They have got plenty of skills and qualities to bowl you over. While still in the womb, they start showing different movements and signs of them being healthy. Here are 12 amazing things that you may have not realized, but are happening inside you. To get a clear picture of these events, you can any day opt for 3D / 4D Scan in Yorkshire.


The baby has facial hairs
Did you know babies develop fine mustache while they are still in the womb? Strange, but true! The fine hairs known as lanugos spread all over their body and are finally eaten by the baby himself. However, these are expelled from the body after the birth.

Bones bones everywhere
At the time when a baby is born, he has 370 bones; however, these are reduced to adult bone number, i.e. 206 within a short time span. As they grow up, the baby bones fuse together to create the adult number.
The baby can cry

Yes, it’s true, the babies can cry in the womb though silently. If you choose to go in with 3D baby scans Centre in Yorkshire during third trimester, there are high chances that you can see the baby’s movements clearly.


Babies practice facial expressions
You can witness the babies two dimensional facial expression by observing 3D/4D scan by 24 weeks. Moreover, if you choose to undergo 4D ultrasound scans during 36 weeks gestating, you can easily observe more complex facial expressions such as wrinkled nose, stretched mouth and lowered eyebrows.

Sucking thumb
This is one habit that babies develop in the womb. 4D ultrasound scan can clearly show you what your baby is busy doing. It has been seen that babies who suck their thumb before being born, carry forward this habit even when they grow up.

So what do you think your baby is up to in that protective environment? Get a 4D scan at the earliest to know more about your baby.

Monday 9 May 2016

Sneak Peek into Your Child’s World With 4D Ultrasound

Over the years, ultrasounds have remained as one of the best ways to help the physiciantake a look at your baby without having to enter the body. These non-invasive tests are popular for a variety of medical reasons.

With the advancement of technology, the new mother-to-be can easily see their fetus in a clear manner. The 3d 4d ultrasound prices capture images of things occurring in your body and thus are used by doctors to get a good look at the unborn child. An ultrasound scan is a common procedure that is usually done to analyze the general development and health of the child. Nowadays expecting mothers usually opt for 3D ultrasound but you must be aware that the 3D/4D ultrasound prices are not covered under insurance. 

The main reason why the ultrasound price is not covered by insurance is because the companies believe that this procedure is not required. They think a regular 2D ultrasound is sufficient to help the doctor and the mother get an idea of what’s going on. However, as an expecting mother, you should be able to spend some extra money to enjoy the experience of meeting your child before he’s born.

For many people this is a not to be missed experience and thus they cannot put a price on it. However, before you plan to undergo a 3Dultrasound scan, make sure you choose the right technicians. In today’s tough economic time, it is essential to save money. Therefore, you need to keep a tab on the 3D/4D ultrasound prices before you choose to get a scan done.

The ultrasound will help you determine the gender of your unborn child along with giving you a chance to see the little one’s facial expression. So make sure you do not miss on the fun. Get an ultrasound scan from the experts at discounted price.

Sunday 13 March 2016

Importance of Scanning During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is essential to know about the health of the baby and the mother equally. It is essential to consume the prescribed medicines along with nutrition-filled food so that health of the baby and the mother is maintained in the best possible manner. In addition to this, it is essential to go for routine health checkups to avoid the hassles that are involved during pregnancy. With advancement of technology, gynecologists are suggesting to go for ultrasound scans as it helps in determining various factors. Today, scanning centers are offering 3D and 4D scans as accuracy of results are determined in the same.

For knowing the beauty of life inside the womb, an early pregnancy ultrasound scan is conducted. When you visit a scanning center, you will be amazed to see the movement of your baby inside you. Starting from expressions of the baby along with positioning inside the womb is possible to be seen through an ultrasound scan. In addition to this, these scans also determine if there is any form of deformity like cleft lip or palate in the child along with twisted limbs.

The process of scanning is pretty simple. Before starting the process, the expecting mother should consume a lot of water as it helps in better clarity during the scan. After this process, a gel is being applied on the lower abdomen and even on the hand-scanning tool for attaining the best quality picture. The gel, which is being applied, helps in better transmission of radio waves, which in result gives the pictures of the baby inside. The complete process usually takes nearly 30 minutes. During the scanning process, pictures of the baby along with video of the scan are being taken which is further utilized for medical purpose and is handed over to the parents. After the scanning process, a report is being generated which comprises of all the details.

People having questions in mind that are 4D Baby scans safe can attain the answers from the health experts and gynecologists. To find the best scanning center in your area, doing some online exploration would come in handy.